Hi Kavita,

How are you?

I just wanted to send you a little email about meditation practice.

As I mentioned to you, last week was a real turning point in my practice. For the first time I experienced something really powerful and felt a deep connection to the Divine Mother. It required a lot of energy from me, however there must have been some collective energy we were all generating in the room in last week’s class that seemed to have energized me. I also sincerely feel that part of the reason I was able to experience a deeper connection to the Divine source was because I was truly submitting to that possibility.

I have been using the skills I have been learning in the meditation course during my own personal daily prayer and meditation practice. It has been helping a lot, but in the last week the effects have increased. I had one bad day this week where a conversation with someone made me cry. At first I was about to give in to this feeling in order to let it wash over me, but then I decided not to do that. I chose instead to meditate. So I sat in the dedicated meditation corner of my room and began to meditate on a mantra from the first chapter of the Holy Quraan:

I give thanks to God, the overseer of all the worlds.
The most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

Within minutes, I felt the feeling of sadness washed away and a smile slowly began to cross my face. My body became more and more relaxed, my heart opened up, my breathing slowed but felt deeper, and I started to feel that connection with God, the most Beloved Friend, once again.

I didn’t keep track of how long I meditated but it must have been between 10 and 15 minutes. When I came out of meditation, I was like a brand new person. Happy, relaxed, focused and energized.

Is this what progress looks like? If so, it’s working for me!

Thank you for being our teacher and for teaching us. I will forever respect you and value all that you have taught me.

Lots of love,
