4-week course: An Introduction to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Starts Tuesday 4 May 7.00 – 8.30pm
What is the real purpose of meditation?
How can I feel more at peace? What is true freedom? Is there a purpose to living in this world?
This 4 week course will give you answers to some of the deepest questions of life.
This module is based on a timeless Yogic text Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, also known as the Science of Yoga.
Each class will begin with a guided meditation followed by a talk. There will be time for individual questions and in-depth explorations.
Here’s what you’ll receive in these 4 weeks:
- Be guided into a powerful meditation technique
- Learn in depth the goal of meditation
- Discover what the yogis say is the true purpose of life in this world.
- An overview of Patanjali’s eight step approach to inner peace and freedom
- Yogi’s guide for living in harmony with others and with the world
Who is it for?
- For meditators wanting to learn the philosophy. This understanding will breathe new life into your practice.
- If you’re thinking of learning to meditate this course will offer a good foundation to build a meditation practice
- You want to move forward on the path of Kriya Yoga
- You’re interested in deepening your spiritual life
This module is part of the second step on the Path of Kriya Yoga, Art and science of Raja Yoga.
Also check out our other modules:
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: An Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita (More details to come)
Affirmations – Your Key to Transformation (More details to come)
Change Your Magnetism, Change Your Life (More details to come)
Do You Need a Guru? (More details to come)
Chakras and how to purify them (More details to come)
Kriya Yoga: A Way to Inner freedom
Fee: $120 for the 4 week course
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