An Experiential Workshop

Saturday 3 February 2.00pm – 5.00pm

chakra black
The chakras, the energy-distribution centers in our spine and brain, hold the keys to physical and emotional health. They also clearly describe the stages we all follow along our path to spiritual enlightenment.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to unblock your chakras
  • How to increase the flow of energy or life-force in your astral body
  • More importantly, by learning certain techniques you will begin to experience the reality of chakras and their healing effects on the body and mind.

    Practical Exercise: Learn chakra-awakening exercises including, breathing, chanting, and meditations, working with color and sound, affirmations, and visualizations for each chakra to attune more deeply to these astral energies.

    Your contribution $25
    Financial Members: This workshop is included with your monthly contributions


    Here’s a rare opportunity to hear wisdom from a gifted spiritual teacher from Ananda Worldwide. Nayaswami Pranaba is one of Ananda’s most widely travelled and experienced ministers, having meditated for over 40 years and offering classes and workshops in meditation and yoga for over 35 years. He travels frequently, bringing the teachings of Yoga and Meditation to the world.

    Drop me a line if you’d like to attend this workshop or have questions.

    Check out other events with Nayaswami Pranaba here.