Unplugging: Living a Balanced Life in a Technological Age
In the age of technology and fast-paced jobs, our existence seems to be a constant tug of war between keeping up with necessary commitments, and living a peaceful and spiritually conscious life. These two pursuits don’t have to be mutually exclusive. It is possible to live a truly balanced life free of everyday anxiety and restlessness, simply by creating boundaries in your relationship with technology and making room for things that reflect your highest values.
Practical Exercise: Learn simple techniques — some ancient, some modern — for bringing more peace and focus into your life
Music and Meditation: Enjoy the joyful and deeply uplifting music of Swami Kriyananda performed live by Nabha and Radhika. Transformative and sometimes playful and humorous, each song will inspire and attune you to your highest potential. We will then follow with a short, fully guided meditation.