Authors of “At the Feet of a Saint” Share Their Journey and Inspiration
We are delighted to be hosting David and Anaya from Ananda Palo Alto in a couple of weeks’ time. These long-time disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda will be offering several programmes in Hamilton. I reached out to them to learn more about their journey, inspirations, and what they hope from their visit.

Let’s begin by diving into David’s story. Anaya’s story will follow in another issue of Ananda Times.
My first question to David was what inspired him to visit New Zealand, David shared that it was years in the making. “We’ve heard so much about the beauty of your country and the warmth of your people from our Ananda friends who’ve visited. We also met Kavita on the Israel Pilgrimage years ago, and she spoke so highly of New Zealand. We talked about visiting, but then COVID happened, so it had to wait. Now, the time feels right!”
David is a co-author of At the Feet of a Saint, a heartfelt book capturing the wisdom and joy of his time with Swami Kriyananda. He explained the inspiration behind writing the book:

“Swami Kriyananda spent his life sharing Yogananda’s teachings with us-Through Swami’s stories, Master (Yogananda) feels so alive in our hearts even though we’ve never met him. Writing the book felt like a joyful obligation to share Swami’s vibration and legacy, especially for those who didn’t have the chance to know Swami personally.”
Writing the book also deepened David’s understanding of Yogananda’s words: “To those who think me near, I will be near.” He reflected, “Reliving my experiences with Swami while writing the book brought his presence closer and more alive for me. Each of us can do this at any time—it’s simply a matter of focus and remembrance.”
During their visit, David and Anaya plan to explore New Plymouth, Rotorua, and the Coromandel Peninsula. “We love nature and walking,” David said. “We’re also looking forward to visiting local shops and streets, experiencing the unique charm of New Zealand firsthand”
What does David hope our community will take away from their visit? His message is simple yet profound: “Ananda’s path is joyful, real, and not as hard as our minds often tell us. It works! We tend to measure ourselves too harshly and feel less than we truly are. But Master reminded us to ‘take care of the minutes, and the incarnations will take care of themselves.’ Relax, do your best, and enjoy the freedom and joy the path brings. It’s all about taking one step at a time with sincerity.”
As David put it, wherever Ananda members meet, it feels like reconnecting with family.
We look forward to welcoming David and Anaya and sharing this special time together.
In another issue, we’ll hear from Anaya about her inspirations, experiences, and what she’s most looking forward to during their visit to New Zealand.
Stay tuned!
Sunday Afternoon Satsang
Mark your calendars for a lovely afternoon with David and Anaya on Sunday 19 January at 3pm. They’ll be sharing personal stories and insights from their time with Swami Kriyananda. And as a special treat we’ll get to enjoy beautiful music from these very talented musicians.