A small handful of individuals could be the key to creating real change in the world. That was the message from Swami Kriyananda during the all-day Christmas meditation held last Sunday.

He emphasised that throughout history, true progress has stemmed not from mass movements, but from the deep bonds and shared dedication of a small, committed group. This idea might seem counterintuitive in a world that often celebrates mass movements and viral trends. Yet, history offers compelling evidence to support Swamiji’s view.
Consider the small group of disciples gathered around Jesus, or the intimate circle of the Buddha and his followers. These tight-knit communities, bound by shared faith, sparked profound transformations that continue to ripple through the world today.
Ordinary individuals can accomplish very little on their own, says Swami. Greatness arises from small groups of people coming together and interacting with each other. It’s within these intimate settings that individuals can truly define themselves in ways that transcend the limitations of mass culture.
Masses aren’t interested in defining themselves, says Swami. It’s the few who are truly interested – in higher values, in serving a higher purpose – who have the greatest power and will ultimately define society.
Many hands make a miracle;
People climbing together.
Life on earth is so wonderful
When people laugh and dance
And struggle as friends,
Then all their dreams achieve their end
from “Many Hands Make a Miracle”
by Swami Kriyananda
Ananda is a global spiritual movement based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda dedicated to helping individuals live in joy through meditation, yoga philosophy, community and selfless service